With the world in lock-down, celebrity fitness trainer, Joe Wicks, decided to put his talents to good use, by leading an online PE class for the nation, free of charge.  The Curious Times sent me out, to put his training to the test.

This YouTube class has been running every day, apart from Saturdays and Sundays, from 9am to 9:30am. His workout is structured with 30 second blasts of hard work then 30 seconds of rest (although they feel a lot shorter than they are!). I think this is a good way of structuring the workout - in the break, you can get a drink and catch your breath. After ten 30 second blasts there is a 2 minute break, then it repeats again to bring you to the end, energised for the day ahead. Joe trained to be a PE teacher, but he is now a personal trainer. Joe is very funny and interesting. Every morning he does a spot the difference in his living room, where he films. He often changes the guitar, which is hanging on the wall, or adds another decoration to the mantelpiece. Joe is a great inspiration to kids, and their parents, as he has a good attitude and is passionate about helping others and keeping healthy. 

Joe’s advertising revenues through YouTube have taken a big jump, following the launch of his PE class.  Brilliantly, he has said that he will donate these to the NHS!  What is also nice is that George Ezra gave Joe permission to stream his songs for free, because Joe didn’t have any music at first. I highly recommend trying out Joe’s workout!