Imagine one day waking up with no Tigers. No Giant Pandas, no Green Turtles, no Galapagos Penguins, or the Snow Leopard, and what about the Red Panda? There are a lot of different species which are endangered and critically endangered. So it's time we got out of our cars and start to act. All the animals you are about to read about, are either endangered or critically endangered. Tigers are critically endangered.
Though these majestic creatures seem bold ( which they are in some cases), they really are quite close to extinction through human activities. Sadly, Tigers have lost 95% of there historical range. Tigers habitats have been destroyed, and fragmented by humans. There are lots of threats to Tigers, such as road networks or development activities. I hope you are listening to me. We really need to act for tigers, and it's horrid that just over a century ago, 100, 000 wild tigers roamed in Asia, but now fewer than 3,900 live in a mere four per cent of their historic range. The largest Tiger population can be found in India.
Snow Leopards
The snow leopard, also known as the 'ounce', can be found in the snowy mountains of Asia. Once again, these poor creatures are on the brink of extinction thanks to poaching and habitat loss. Snow Leopards like there diet to be mostly mammals, such as deer. Every day, at least one Snow Leopard has been killed or traded, and that is why we must act NOW to save Snow Leopards. So listen to me. Don't hesitate for one moment to save a Snow Leopard.
So those are two animals that we HAVE to act for. If you know anyone who is poaching, trading, or hurting these animals, report to the police and hopefully they will stop. These animals need help. They have done nothing wrong. So why are we making carpets out of them? We need to help them, and save them, like we didn't save the dodo...