Do you know what Greenpeace is? No? Well, let me tell you. Greenpeace is a non-governmental organization founded by Irving and Dorothy Stowe in 1971. They have at least 55 offices over the world and an international coordinating body in Amsterdam. Greenpeace is fighting against climate change and running investigations to expose companies that are abusing the environmental law and pushing governments to do something about this crisis. 

I have been following Greenpeace on their social media accounts for about a year or two now and during those two years, I have been updated on things happening in the UK or around the world like chlorinated chicken, supertrawlers or how the Amazon rainforest is breaking down. On their website, you can find multiple petitions for things like stopping plastic pollution and protecting the oceans along with pressuring governments to act on the climate emergency. 

You might have heard from the BBC that Greenpeace is dropping boulders into the English Channel to stop bottom trawling. Bottom trawling is bad because it destroys the seafloor habitat. It is affecting bottom-dwelling plants and animals. The UK has seventy-two protected waters, but the government is only thinking of fully protecting two of the seventy-two which is NOT enough. On the boulders they have the names of celebrities that are supporting Greenpeace. 

If you’re interested in the ocean and how Greenpeace is running experiments/tests you can go on YouTube and watch Ocean Witness. Ocean Witness keeps you updated on what is happening and shares coastal community's stories for protecting their livelihoods. 

If you want to be more involved or get updated about climate change you can check out Greenpeace. It’s not the only organization out there. If you like memes, you can get them from ‘TheEcoGuys’ or ‘GoGreenSaveGreen.’ 

Here is the link to the official Greenpeace UK website:

Greenpeace UK